Embrace The Suck Blog

Reignite the Fire Inside You leadership mindset
We have all had times when we question ourselves. Especially if you work in the restaurant industry. Some call it burnout. Some call it a sign to get out. Actually, it’s more like you have been disconnected with your driving force that sustains you. That force is still there,...
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Your Restaurant is NOT Special leadership mindset operations

Let me share with you what I know for a fact from working with restaurants around the globe. Business problems are people problems no matter where you are in the world! On a recent trip to Bogota, Colombia where I was speaking at a conference called Expo La Barra, I had the great opportunity to...

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12 Bullshit Lies You Tell Yourself That Hold Your Restaurant Hostage ā€‹ leadership mindset peak performance
I’m sure that catchy title got your attention! You might be saying to yourself right now:
Bullshit lies? Who me?
Yes, you!
Now don’t take it too personally because we all lie to ourselves from time to time. Yes, even I’ve done it too so welcome to the club!...
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5 Mental Roadblocks Stopping You From Getting the Restaurant You Want leadership mindset peak performance

Step into the office and have a seat on the couch. Let’s talk about what is going on in your restaurant. Actually, let’s talk about what’s going on within your own mind.

The precipice of all business problems (at their foundation) are people problems. Those people problems are...

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Become a Better Leader By Being the Real You culture leadership mindset

Bruce Wayne has Batman. Clark Kent has Superman. Bruce Banner has The Hulk. Kobe Bryant has the Black Mamba. How about you? Do you have an alter ego you can channel to elevate your leadership to the elite level?

You should. 

To find it, we’re going to need to take a trip to your dark...

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Are You the One Killing Your Restaurant? leadership mindset operations

We’re all looking for the things we should be doing but what about the things you need to stop doing that are truly hurting your business?

Sabotage is subversive. It’s under the radar. It can come from your unconscious mind.

Restaurant, nightclub and bar success and failure comes down...

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A 5 Step Plan to Build a Better Team Today! leadership training

You have a problem that we need to address. It’s your service team.

Okay—that’s not exactly accurate. The problem is you for not training your service team enough.

Sure, you trained them…maybe once, maybe twice. But half-ass effort yields half-ass results. Oh,...

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One, Two, Four: Opening Multiple Locations growth leadership mindset operations

Congratulations—Your bar or restaurant is doing so well that opportunities to expand the business are coming at you fast.

But before you get too far ahead of yourself and sign that new lease, there are several things to take into consideration.

Running one bar or restaurant can be a...

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The 7 Habits of Successful Restaurants leadership mindset

There is inspiration all around if you choose to open your eyes and take it in.

Becoming a better leader, owner, or chef is not bestowed upon a few chosen few. There really is no such thing as a born leader. Everyone can lead if they have the deep desire to step up and take control of the wheel...

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Stop Running Your Restaurant in the Past Lane leadership mindset

When you look at your venue and your life, is your attention on the right things? Are you focusing on what's in front of you instead of looking behind you at all times?

Your mind does an incredible job of playing tricks on you. Even when you know your attention should be on the present...

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Burnout is Just Bullsh*t! leadership mindset
Have you ever felt burned out? Maybe even one step beyond called extra crispy? 
I have in my past. I haven't felt it in the last 8 years even though I work harder, have more brands, and more going on than ever in my life. 
This next statement will cause a lot of...
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Does Your Leadership Suck or is it Just Stuck? leadership mindset

Here you are running your restaurant. A leader. Just living the dream...right? Maybe it’s not the dream you had. Perhaps some days it seems like a real nightmare that you can’t wake up from. What happened? How did you come to this?

It’s quite simple. You hit an obstacle you...

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