Embrace The Suck Blog

The One Key to Making More Profits and Working Less culture leadership mindset peak performance

If you’re an owner who wants to make more profits and work less, then you’re in the right place.

I have a big fat warning for you, though: what you’re about to read won’t be easy.

The truth is that you have the ability to make more profits and work less.


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Forget Rules, Develop a Code! code of conduct core values leadership peak performance

Rules, rules, and more rules. Do this. Don’t do that. Does it seem like you spend most of your day like a babysitter at work telling the team more of what not to do? Welcome to management by numbers.

You’ve probably seen that list of rules in your restaurant, and each one has a number...

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Time to Get Some! Core Values That Is... core values leadership peak performance

What is going on with you? Seriously. Why haven’t you started taking action on those big goals for this year yet?

  • Still, waiting for a couple of key elements to fall into place?
  • The position of the moon not favorable for this grand venture?
  • Do you need to hire that one person who will...
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Using Science to Get a Better Restaurant leadership mentorship mindset operations peak performance

I have a friend who is a badass scientist (I mean a real badass).

What lights her up is when she is talking about her passion. If you listen to passionate people talk about what they love, it’s contagious and inspiring. Great conversations get that one pound piece of grey matter sitting on...

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12 Bullshit Lies You Tell Yourself That Hold Your Restaurant Hostage ā€‹ leadership mindset peak performance
I’m sure that catchy title got your attention! You might be saying to yourself right now:
Bullshit lies? Who me?
Yes, you!
Now don’t take it too personally because we all lie to ourselves from time to time. Yes, even I’ve done it too so welcome to the club!...
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5 Mental Roadblocks Stopping You From Getting the Restaurant You Want leadership mindset peak performance

Step into the office and have a seat on the couch. Let’s talk about what is going on in your restaurant. Actually, let’s talk about what’s going on within your own mind.

The precipice of all business problems (at their foundation) are people problems. Those people problems are...

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Do Things Suck? Fall Back in Love with Your Restaurant Now leadership mindset peak performance

The relationship you have with your restaurant is like all the other relationships you’ve had in your life. They all have their ups and downs. When things are good, you are walking on sunshine. No clouds in the sky. The birds are singing and there is a rainbow in every direction.


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Are You Running Your Restaurant or Is It Running You? leadership mindset peak performance

When your restaurant is running like a world championship team everything is amazing. All the training, all the hard work, all the time fine tuning your team and brand are paying off. You’re communicating, working together for a shared vision and mission. It’s a thing of pure beauty...

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7 Things Your Service Team Might Be Screwing Up hospitality operations peak performance

There are some things you just never forget. Your first kiss, your first car, an amazing movie and horrible service. Great service can sometimes be an elusive creature, much like Bigfoot. Incredible service not only is comprised of the mechanical aspects like serving from the left and clearing...

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6 Powerful Ways to Embrace Change mindset peak performance

Want to be at the top of your game all of the time? Then you really need to learn to embrace change. Most people are averse to change. They like to keep things the way they are; they like to stay in their comfort zone. Remember this:

Restaurant Coach Tip: If you are operating from a comfort zone,...

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The Price of Fear in Your Restaurant mindset peak performance

“I am running out of fuel. I’m not going to make it.”, the pilot of a small single engine aircraft said over the radio.

My first duty station as a Pararescuemen was with the 67th ARRS (Aerospace Rescue & Recovery Service) in Woodbridge RAF in the United Kingdom. We routinely...

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What's Your Kryptonite? The 3 Biggest Elements Holding You Back leadership peak performance

Anyone familiar with comic books knows that Superman’s weakness was kryptonite. Throughout history, mankind has faced great adversaries that test who we are. It’s when we face those demons and take the challenge to tackle them head on that we find our true strength.

This industry is...

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