Embrace The Suck Blog

The Top 10 Things Learned from Working with 2000+ Restaurants leadership operations
I keep detailed coaching notes from every client I have had over the past 11 years as The Restaurant Coach™. Some of those stories make it into my books, speaking gigs, podcasts, or just as a solid warning to new clients about what not to do! Never fear, the names have been changed to...
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The 5 Things Food Vendors Don't Want You to Know contracts foodservice operations

Having worked as a consultant for a large foodservice distributor for 4 years, I learned a lot about their business. A lot of stuff they don’t want you to know! My mission is to you the independent restaurant that is trying to thrive and not just survives in today’s ultra-competitive...

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The Formula For a Badass Brand! branding operations

I recently gave an interview for Foodable TV about how to build a brand. You can create a brand that competes or one that dominates the market. The choice is yours. Follow this formula if you want to make your brand stand out in the market!

Here are the questions and my answers from that...

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The Best Kept Secret of Restaurant Success leadership mastermind operations restaurant success summit

The secret can be summed up in just four words: Join a Mastermind Group!

What is a Mastermind Group?

Napoleon Hill is often credited with being the originator of Mastermind Groups, but the truth is Mastermind Groups have been around much longer.

Hill had a straightforward definition:


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The One Thing All Restaurant Owners Want behavioral surveys culture leadership

Day in and day out you are dedicated to the grind. You breathe in stress and breathe out hospitality. You get knocked down one day and get back up the next. Welcome to the world of restaurants and bars. It can be a brutal lifestyle if (and it’s a very big if) you allow it to control you.


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Forget Rules, Develop a Code! code of conduct core values leadership peak performance

Rules, rules, and more rules. Do this. Don’t do that. Does it seem like you spend most of your day like a babysitter at work telling the team more of what not to do? Welcome to management by numbers.

You’ve probably seen that list of rules in your restaurant, and each one has a number...

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Being Obsessed is the Way! leadership mindset

“You’re obsessed!”

If someone said that to you right now, how would you feel?

Uneasy? Pissed? Shocked? Relatively pleased?

The word obsession gets a bad rap. Granted that obsession can be destructive if taken to extremes like anything. However, when it is focused like a laser...

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5 Delusions Managers Have About Leaders leadership mindset

So, what is your title? Are you a manager or a leader?

Before you jump on the “I’m a leader bandwagon”, we should have a talk. You might be suffering from Leadership Delusion. It’s fairly common in this industry. We have a lot of preconceived notions about what a leader...

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7 Ways to Creatively Staff Your Restaurant hiring leadership

How has this year treated you and your restaurant? How has your quest to find staff been?

If you are like the majority of restaurants, it’s been a big challenge. Here’s the bad news, it’ll probably will not get much better in the coming year.

But don’t get all sad about...

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Time to Get Some! Core Values That Is... core values leadership peak performance

What is going on with you? Seriously. Why haven’t you started taking action on those big goals for this year yet?

  • Still, waiting for a couple of key elements to fall into place?
  • The position of the moon not favorable for this grand venture?
  • Do you need to hire that one person who will...
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RC Leadership Conference Interview with Tony Chapman leadership operations

I was very honored to be interviewed by Tony Chapman at the recent Restaurants Canada Leadership Conference in Toronto.

Tony is a super dynamic speaker and host across mainstream media. His knapsack is filled with thirty years of experience, as an entrepreneur whose agencies developed award...

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Using Science to Get a Better Restaurant leadership mentorship mindset operations peak performance

I have a friend who is a badass scientist (I mean a real badass).

What lights her up is when she is talking about her passion. If you listen to passionate people talk about what they love, it’s contagious and inspiring. Great conversations get that one pound piece of grey matter sitting on...

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