Embrace The Suck Blog

How Porn Addiction Can Wreck Your Work Ethic and Restaurant! addiction core values culture leadership

WARNING: I am about to discuss a taboo topic that the restaurant industry needs to address. So buckle up; this one is not going to be pretty. If you are sensitize to touchy topic…STOP HERE!


Welcome to the eye-opening journey into the detrimental impact of porn addiction on work...

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Excuse Me, Have You Seen My Core Values Running Down the Street? core values leadership

What’s going on with you?

Seriously—why haven’t you started taking action on your big goals for this year yet?

  • Still, waiting for a couple of key elements to fall into place?
  • The position of the moon not favorable for this grand venture?
  • Do you need to hire that one person who...
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Forget Rules, Develop a Code! code of conduct core values leadership peak performance

Rules, rules, and more rules. Do this. Don’t do that. Does it seem like you spend most of your day like a babysitter at work telling the team more of what not to do? Welcome to management by numbers.

You’ve probably seen that list of rules in your restaurant, and each one has a number...

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Time to Get Some! Core Values That Is... core values leadership peak performance

What is going on with you? Seriously. Why haven’t you started taking action on those big goals for this year yet?

  • Still, waiting for a couple of key elements to fall into place?
  • The position of the moon not favorable for this grand venture?
  • Do you need to hire that one person who will...
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Have You Heard This Joke? core values leadership

So, a core value walks into a bar. There should be a witty joke here. There isn't. The real joke is the number of restaurants and bars that don't know what their core values are. Not knowing your core values is so wrong that it should actually be criminal. Maybe, your restaurant or bar is in the...

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