Embrace The Suck Blog

How Porn Addiction Can Wreck Your Work Ethic and Restaurant! addiction core values culture leadership

WARNING: I am about to discuss a taboo topic that the restaurant industry needs to address. So buckle up; this one is not going to be pretty. If you are sensitize to touchy topic…STOP HERE!


Welcome to the eye-opening journey into the detrimental impact of porn addiction on work...

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The One Key to Making More Profits and Working Less culture leadership mindset peak performance

If you’re an owner who wants to make more profits and work less, then you’re in the right place.

I have a big fat warning for you, though: what you’re about to read won’t be easy.

The truth is that you have the ability to make more profits and work less.


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WARNING: Restaurant Culture In Crisis brian duncan culture the restaurant coach

Interview Series: Brian Duncan of Down To Earth Wine Concepts

Here is another interview from The CONQUER Online Restaurant Summit with my friend Brian Duncan. Brian always has a unique understanding and view of the world. The topic for this talk was how Restaurant Culture is in Crisis.


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The 11 Habits of Outstanding Restaurants branding culture guest journey hospitality operations

The restaurant world will never be the same after what we have been through over the past few years.

Things have changed rapidly for restaurants around the globe and many look to the USA for trends and insight into which direction the industry is headed.

I can tell you from working with over 2200...

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The Pandemic Isnā€™t Your Fault, But How You Ran Your Restaurant Before Is! coronavirus culture kpi's leadership mindset operations

The Coronavirus Pandemic is unlike anything we have ever experienced. Times like these bring out the best in some people and the worst in others. It has forced some to close for good and for others to rethink their reason for staying in this industry. Some have added take-out and delivery. Others...

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You Should Close Your Restaurant culture mindset your restaurant culture sucks

*The following is an excerpt from my new book: Your Restaurant Culture Sucks coming out in September 2021.

"You should close your restaurant."

I can’t believe the words just came out of my mouth. There was a very long silence on the other end of the Zoom call. Enough silence that you knew...

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Where Are Your Stuck? The 4 Stages of Restaurant Growth culture growth leadership mastermind

Knowing where you are is just the start.


Running a restaurant can be without a doubt, one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever experience in more ways than one. But it is also one of the hardest things you’ll ever do as well!

With a never-ending...

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Why Do So Many Restaurants STILL Suck? Itā€™s Their Culture culture leadership operations

Go sit in your restaurant for an hour with your eyes closed and just listen. What do you hear?

Does it sound like the smooth cadence of a well-oiled machine or more like a clunky old car engine that backfires every minute?

When I am coaching a client, I love to sit in the dining room and just...

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The Perfect Recruiting Plan culture hiring leadership

If you’re like the majority of restaurants and bars in your market, you’ve been struggling to find staff.

Many operators are struggling to find any staff! Are they breathing? Can they form a coherent sentence? Yes? Hired!

The new hires stay for a few weeks but end up...

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Working IN Your Restaurant Doesnā€™t Work culture leadership mindset
Author’s Note: This is an excerpt from my new book title Your Restaurant Culture Sucks! Coming out in late February 2021.

You’ve heard it said to you by every consultant out there...You need to work ON your restaurant and not IN your restaurant. Yet, here you are still...
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The One Thing All Restaurant Owners Want behavioral surveys culture leadership

Day in and day out you are dedicated to the grind. You breathe in stress and breathe out hospitality. You get knocked down one day and get back up the next. Welcome to the world of restaurants and bars. It can be a brutal lifestyle if (and it’s a very big if) you allow it to control you.


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Become a Better Leader By Being the Real You culture leadership mindset

Bruce Wayne has Batman. Clark Kent has Superman. Bruce Banner has The Hulk. Kobe Bryant has the Black Mamba. How about you? Do you have an alter ego you can channel to elevate your leadership to the elite level?

You should. 

To find it, we’re going to need to take a trip to your dark...

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