Will You Stay Stuck As Another Broke and Broken Restaurant Owner OR Will You Rise To Be Restaurant Warrior?





It's Time to Stop Accepting 'Okay' as Your Damn Destiny!


Listen up – One of the BIGGEST struggles with restaurant owners is working SO hard for your restaurant but losing everything else in your life.

Your restaurant becomes this monster that consumes you. It’s like falling in quicksand. What happens when most people fall in quicksand? They kick and scream and fight like hell thinking that will save them. And all it does is let them sink deeper and deeper into the pit until…you can’t breathe. Until you can’t move. Until you can’t even think straight. Because you’re in over your head…and deep down, you know it.

Do you even remember who the FUCK you were before your restaurant got its hooks into you? I get it. You started this restaurant as a way to provide freedom, to provide for your family, and to get the lifestyle that you dreamed about.

But instead, you’re SO stuck on the hamster wheel of working IN your restaurant that EVERYTHING has taken a back seat. Take a look in the mirror. You probably look like shit because you eat like shit. You haven’t worked out in a decade, because you’re too busy working the restaurant. Your family thinks of you as a stranger. And your bank account is more broke than the US government.

I know this because that was ME when I had my first restaurant. And then someone reached out to me and showed me that there was a better way. And I would say that it didn’t just change my life… it saved my life.

Enter Warrior Restaurants. Our mission? To obliterate that pathetic gap. We're here to make damn sure you're not just winning at work but crushing it in every damn aspect of your life – Body, Being, Balance, and Business.

Time to stop playing small. Let's do this.


Do You CHOOSE to Be a WARRIOR or Stay Stuck Where You Are?

This Is Your Opportunity to Join the Ranks of 2800+ Independent Restaurants Who Have Been Transformed by my TRC Method™ + The Warriors Way.

This isn't f*cking theory, these are the weapons that modern restaurateurs MUST have to thrive!


What to Expect When You Join  Warrior Restaurants... The CONQUEST PATH

Take CONTROL and TRANSFORM Your Restaurant

You’re standing in the Valley of Mediocrity.

Look around.

This is where 80% of restaurants struggle, flounder, and fail.

But you?

You’re different.

You have the drive to break free, to rise above, and to dominate.

Welcome to the Warrior Restaurants CONQUEST Path.

This isn’t just a journey—it’s your lifeline to reclaiming your life, your passion, and your success.

Here’s the cold, hard truth: most restaurants don’t make it.

But those that do?

They follow a PATH.

They f*cking CONQUER!

If your restaurant is BLEEDING MONEY and you can’t get above 5% profit, then you need to start at BEGIN with The Restaurant Gauntlet.

The Gauntlet is for those who are in survival mode, fighting to keep the doors open every single day.

This is an INTENSE 4-Week program designed to:

  • STOP the BLEEDING and stabilize your finances.
  • Give you the exact tools and STRATEGIES to plug the holes in your business.
  • Provide you with a clear, actionable PLAN to turn things around FAST.

What You Are Feeling: You're overwhelmed, drowning in a sea of bills, and every day feels like a battle for survival.

You're watching your DREAM slip through your fingers, and it feels like you’re on the brink of LOSING EVERYTHING.

The stress is unbearable, and it’s taking a toll on your HEALTH, your RELATIONSHIPS, and your SANITY.

You need a lifeline, and you need it NOW.

The Restaurant Gauntlet is your first step to reclaiming control and saving your restaurant from disaster.

**NOW... If you’re making above 5% and below 10% profit and want to really turn the profit machine on, then start at BASE with the 8-Week Restaurant Owner Academy.

The Restaurant Owner Academy is for those who have SOME stability but know they’re capable of MUCH MORE.

This 8-week immersive experience will:

  • Equip you with the MINDSET, TOOLS, and STRATEGIES to move from mediocrity to EXCELLENCE.
  • Help you identify and capitalize on untapped opportunities for profit.
  • Lay down a solid foundation to build a thriving, profitable business.

What You Are Feeling: You’re frustrated, knowing that despite your hard work, your restaurant is still far from reaching its full potential.

You see other restaurants thriving and wonder why you’re stuck in the same place.

You’re tired of spinning your wheels, feeling like you’re on a hamster wheel of endless effort with minimal reward.

The stress of not achieving your goals is weighing heavily on you, impacting your confidence and making you question your abilities.

The 8-Week Restaurant Owner Academy is your opportunity to break free from this cycle and transform your restaurant into a profit powerhouse.

**THEN... If you’re ready to scale your restaurant and achieve even greater success, move to the BRIDGE with the Profit Ascension Challenge.

The Profit Ascension Challenge is a 12-week program designed to:

  • Accelerate your growth with advanced profit-maximization techniques.
  • Optimize your operations and marketing strategies for higher returns.
  • Provide intensive coaching and support to ensure continuous improvement.

What You Are Feeling: You’ve stabilized your restaurant and seen some profit, but you know there’s more potential.

You’re eager to push your limits and see just how successful your restaurant can be.

You’re driven to scale your business but need the right strategies and support to do so.

The Profit Ascension Challenge is your path to achieving the next level of success and profitability.

**FINALLY... For those who want to reach the pinnacle of restaurant success, move to the BREAKTHROUGH with the Restaurant Empire Builder.

The Restaurant Empire Builder is a 12-month PRIVATE program that includes:

  • Personalized 1:1 coaching with Donald Burns.
  • Site visits to your restaurant twice a year for hands-on guidance.
  • Comprehensive strategies to build and scale your restaurant empire.

What You Are Feeling: You’ve achieved success and stability, but you’re not satisfied.

You want to create a lasting legacy, a restaurant empire that stands out in the industry.

You’re ready to invest in personal development and receive unparalleled support to achieve unmatched success and influence.

The Restaurant Empire Builder is your ultimate program for mastering the art of building and scaling a restaurant empire. **Remember: The higher the climb the bigger the rewards!

The Benefits of Each Program:

The Restaurant Gauntlet:

  • STOP the Financial Bleeding: Immediate strategies to stabilize your finances.
  • Actionable Plan: Clear steps to turn your restaurant around quickly.
  • Survival Mode to Stability: Move from barely surviving to building a solid foundation for growth.

The Restaurant Owner Academy:

  • Profit Maximization: Learn how to unlock hidden profits and optimize your operations.
  • Mindset Shift: Develop the mental toughness needed to lead your restaurant to success.
  • Long-Term Success: Lay the groundwork for sustained profitability and growth.

The Profit Ascension Challenge:

  • Advanced Growth Techniques: Accelerate your restaurant’s profitability.
  • Operational and Marketing Optimization: Enhance your strategies for higher returns.
  • Continuous Improvement: Ongoing coaching and support for sustained success.

The Restaurant Empire Builder:

  • Personalized Coaching: 1:1 sessions tailored to your specific needs.
  • Hands-On Guidance: Site visits for practical, in-depth support.
  • Empire Building Strategies: Comprehensive plans to scale your business to new heights.

Take Control Now!

And you’re HERE, standing in the VALLEY.

Look up.

The summit is waiting.

Are you ready to break free from the chains of mediocrity and unlock the full potential of your restaurant?

Book a Strategy Session TODAY to discuss where you should start with The CONQUEST Path!

This is your first step on the path to conquering the restaurant world.

Don’t wait.

Don’t hesitate.

The time to act is now.

Click the button BELOW to start your climb to the top.

Join the elite 5% who don’t just survive but thrive.

Live the have-it-all lifestyle.

Build your empire.

Conquer your world.


Let’s F*cking GO!



  • Are you a RELENTLESS restaurateur, a CULINARY creator, a HOSPITALITY visionary?

  • Do you often feel ALONE at the top, struggling to find peers who understand the INSANE PRESSURE and the FIERY PASSION that comes with running a restaurant?

  • Do you keep your true STRUGGLES a secret, whether it’s the financial tightrope, the personal sacrifices, or the ENDLESS pursuit of perfection?

  • Do you need a STRATEGY to navigate the chaos after a BRUTAL shift or an unforgiving review, something more substantial than the fleeting solace of a late-night drink?

  • Do you find yourself using any EXCUSE to drive the business, even if it’s at the expense of your HEALTH, your RELATIONSHIPS, or your SANITY?

  • Is your restaurant CONTROLLING YOU, rather than the other way around – with every decision, every crisis, every victory CONSUMING your life?

  • Do you feel HANDCUFFED to your restaurant, unable to break free and truly enjoy your life?

  • Do you feel like you can’t ENJOY the fruits of your labor without the restaurant’s SUCCESS DEFINING your happiness?

  • Are your FAMILY and personal relationships STRAINING under the weight of your obsession with your restaurant's SUCCESS?

  • Is your HEALTH and well-being taking a backseat to late nights, skipped meals, and STRESS-FUELED adrenaline?

  • Do you see your FRIENDS and FAMILY less and less, as your restaurant demands more and more?

  • Are your KIDS growing up without you because you’re too busy putting out fires at the restaurant?

  • Is your MARRIAGE hanging by a thread because your partner is SICK of competing with your business for your attention?

  • Do you feel the PAIN of missing important life moments (dance recitals, birthdays, parties, sport games) because you’re always tied to the GRIND?

If you're nodding along, feeling the FIRE of recognition with each question, then Warrior Restaurants and our CONQUER Path is the BEACON you’ve been searching for.



Donald Burns: The Raw Truth of a Restaurant Warrior

Let’s cut the crap. I dove into my first restaurant with a head full of dreams and a gut full of lies. Experience in the trenches? Sure, but I was an arrogant fool to think that was enough to build an empire. My pride was a wrecking ball—smashing my health, wrecking my marriage, and nearly costing me the love of my daughter.

I thought I could muscle through with bloodshot eyes and caffeine-fueled nights. Newsflash: You can't out-hustle a life spiraling out of control. I was the guy with a quick joke and a fake smile, nursing a vodka-lemonade in my water bottle, thinking I had it all under wraps. But my life was a house of cards on a windy day.

Then reality slapped me hard. It took a regular—a guy who’d seen success and smelled my desperation from a mile away—to throw me a bone. He offered me a shot at redemption through brutal, unfiltered truths I didn’t want to hear. My restaurant was a joke, and I was the punchline.

So, I gambled on change. I took the coaching, swallowed my damn pride, and it turned my world right side up. A year later? Forty pounds down, marriage on the mend, my daughter’s eyes lit up again, and my business? It didn’t just grow—it freaking exploded. And the drugs? Tossed them in the trash where they belonged.

That’s what coaching did for me. That’s what I’m offering you.

So here’s the deal—I’m not your cheerleader. I’m the guy who's going to drag you through the mud to victory. If you’re ready to overhaul your restaurant and reignite your life, then I’m your huckleberry. This isn’t just business—it’s war. And in war, we fight for every inch of ground.

Let’s get real. Let’s get raw. And let’s get you those big-ass results. Your empire awaits.

Are you ready to claim it?

Your Coach & Warrior Trainer,

Donald Burns

The Restaurant Coach®

Founder of Warrior Restaurants™

Creator of TRC Method™

6X Amazon Best Selling Author: Your Restaurant Sucks Trilogy, Savage Restaurant Success, Ingredients


Are You Ready to Fight Back and Take Control of Your Restaurant's Future?

Decide Where You Should Start...

If your restaurant is BLEEDING MONEY and you can’t get above 5% profit, then you need to start at BEGIN with The Restaurant Gauntlet.

The Gauntlet is for those who are in survival mode, fighting to keep the doors open every single day. This is an INTENSE 4-week program designed to:

  • STOP the BLEEDING and stabilize your finances.
  • Give you the exact tools and STRATEGIES to plug the holes in your business.
  • Provide you with a clear, actionable PLAN to turn things around FAST.

What You Are Feeling: You're overwhelmed, drowning in a sea of bills, and every day feels like a battle for survival.

You're watching your DREAM slip through your fingers, and it feels like you’re on the brink of LOSING EVERYTHING.

The stress is unbearable, and it’s taking a toll on your HEALTH, your RELATIONSHIPS, and your SANITY.

You need a lifeline, and you need it NOW.

The Restaurant Gauntlet is your first step to reclaiming control and saving your restaurant from disaster.

NOW...If you’re making below 10% profit and want to really turn the profit machine on, then start at BASE with the 8-Week Restaurant Owner Academy.

The Restaurant Owner Academy is for those who have some stability but know they’re capable of MUCH MORE. This 8-week immersive experience will:

  • Equip you with the MINDSET, TOOLS, and STRATEGIES to move from mediocrity to EXCELLENCE.
  • Help you identify and capitalize on untapped opportunities for profit.
  • Lay down a solid foundation to build a thriving, profitable business.

What You Are Feeling: You’re frustrated, knowing that despite your hard work, your restaurant is still far from reaching its full potential.

You see other restaurants thriving and wonder why you’re stuck in the same place.

You’re tired of spinning your wheels, feeling like you’re on a hamster wheel of endless effort with minimal reward.

The stress of not achieving your goals is weighing heavily on you, impacting your confidence and making you question your abilities.

The 8-Week Restaurant Owner Academy is your opportunity to break free from this cycle and transform your restaurant into a profit powerhouse.

The Benefits of Each Program:

The Restaurant Gauntlet:

  • STOP the Financial Bleeding: Immediate strategies to stabilize your finances.
  • Actionable Plan: Clear steps to turn your restaurant around quickly.
  • Survival Mode to Stability: Move from barely surviving to building a solid foundation for growth.

The Restaurant Owner Academy:

  • Profit Maximization: Learn how to unlock hidden profits and optimize your operations.
  • Mindset Shift: Develop the mental toughness needed to lead your restaurant to success.
  • Long-Term Success: Lay the groundwork for sustained profitability and growth.

Take Control Now

If your restaurant is in critical condition, start at BEGIN with The Restaurant Gauntlet. If you’re ready to boost your profits and achieve excellence, start at BASE with the 8-Week Restaurant Owner Academy.

Don’t wait. Don’t hesitate. The time to act is NOW.


Join the elite group of independent restaurant owners who are done with mediocrity and ready to THRIVE. Build your empire. Conquer your world. Let’s do this together.