$97.00 USD

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Profitable Menu Design Workshop

Get ready to amplify your restaurant's profits and captivate your customers with the Profitable Menu Design course, masterfully instructed by Donald Burns, The Restaurant Coach. This cutting-edge course is meticulously designed for restaurant owners, managers, and chefs seeking to turbocharge their earnings by leveraging the power of compelling, strategic menu design.

Profitable Menu Design is a course that takes you deep into the world of restaurant menus, revealing secrets and methodologies of the industry that many overlook. It's not just about what you serve, but how you serve it. This comprehensive program will unveil the art and science of creating a menu that not only looks attractive but strategically influences customer choices, enhances their dining experience, and ultimately drives up your profits.

When you walk out of this session, you will...

  • Understand why menu size matters.
  • Fonts that increase sales
  • Menu psychology tricks used by the big chains
  • What impact do colors have on sales
  • Jedi mind tricks that will increase profits immediately
  • How to properly price your menu 
  • How to design a professional menu on a budget
  • How to do a successful menu rollout (a step-by-step action plan)

Enroll in the Profitable Menu Design course today to unlock the untapped potential in your menu and start witnessing an impressive boost in your profit margins. From highlighting your restaurant's unique identity to crafting a menu that increases average ticket prices, this course will transform the way you see your menu. Let the magic of a well-designed menu work wonders for your restaurant!